
Dear Spirit-filled beautiful Daughter-of-God,

I see you, working so hard and keeping everything going. Dealing with dramas, serving your family and trying to squeeze in some time with the Lord.

I know that sometimes it feels like God’s promises are being stolen from you, that you second-guess yourself and remake the same decisions again and again.

I know that your to-do list is too full, and that you feel unsupported when those closest to you do not understand the calling on your heart and the fire in your stomach.

There is hope.

God is not scared of the mess that may be present in your life. We do not need to be afraid. He has blessings and solutions and support available for us. And He is cheering us on as we build and grow the dreams He has placed upon our hearts.

It is possible for us to achieve the impossible. We can get to a place in which we know who we are and what we want. And we can learn to build our dreams in less time and with more peace, avoiding the shame and blame that sometimes accompanies our goal-pursuit.

I’ve prepared a set of Montessori-inspired reflections for you. I wonder what gifts our loving God has in store for us this week ….?

Enter your name and email address here on this page, and I look forward to getting to know you!


Kate Cavanagh


I support ambitious, Spirit-filled women like you become even more deeply rooted in your identity in Christ …… so that you can complete the projects God is asking of you while becoming even more of who you are created to be.

I do this by showing you how to dwell intimately with God in the present moment, make powerful decisions and courageously take the next steps forward with consistency and grace.

I am a Christian Life Coach and a Mum of three littlies. I have spent time as a Montessori Teacher, a “Godly Play” Trainer and a “Catechesis of the Good Shepherd” Catechist. I identify the best Christian Coaching tools, children’s spirituality material and Montessori theory for you.


I, Kate Cavanagh, will send you emails containing advice, ideas and interviews as well as information about free and paid services and trainings. You can unsubscribe at any time. I value your privacy and will process your data in accordance with my privacy policy.